Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Gov Quiz 1/29

  1. What is the supreme Law of the Land?
A.      Constitution
B.      Articles of Confederation
C.      The Executive Branch
D.      The Legislative Branch
  1. Who follows right behind the Vice President in succession for the office of president?
A.      Secretary of defense
B.      Colonel Sanders
C.      Speaker of the House
  1. Which of the following is NOT a qualification for being a member of Senate?
A.      30 yrs. Old
B.      Natural Born Citizen
C.      Resident of the State
  1. The name of John Locke’s idea of a clean slate.
A.      Tabula Rasa
B.      Pursuit of Happiness
C.      Magna Carta
  1. How long is one Presidential term?
A.      2 years
B.      4 years
C.      6 years
  1. What is the 19th amendment about?
A.      Age of voting
B.      Selling alcohol
C.      Women’s right to vote
D.      Abolishing Slavery
  1.  Which two amendments have to do with prohibition and the repeal of prohibition?
A.      19 and 22
B.      18 and 21
C.      18 and 25
D.      13 and 14
  1. The 13th amendment abolished slavery.
A.      True
B.      False
  1. What power is DENIED to congress?
A.      Form a Militia
B.      Declare war
C.      Run the Post Office
D.      Give titles of Nobility
  1. How many senators does a state have?
A.      4
B.      Depends on the population
C.      2
  1. What is the 8th amendment about?
a.       Cruel and Unusual Punishment
b.       Search and Seizure
c.       Freedom of Religion
  1. Which amendment prevents you from having to quarter soldiers?
a.       1st
b.       2nd
c.       3rd
d.       4th
13.   How many states had to accept the constitution before it was ratified?
A.      13
B.      9
C.      10
D.      1
14.   The 26th Amendment does what?
A.      Shorten Presidential Terms
B.      Allows 18 year old citizens the right to vote
C.      Repeals Prohibition
15.   Search and Seizure is a part of what Amendment?
A.      1st
B.      4th
C.      14th
16.   The first Article of the Constitution is about what branch?
A.      Legislative Branch
B.      Executive Branch
C.      Judicial Branch
17.   Why was the Constitution created?
A.      To declare independence from Britain
B.      To elect a president
C.      To form a more perfect union
18.   The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments deal with civil rights for former slaves?
a.       True
b.       False
19.   Which article of the Constitution deals with States?
a.       First
b.       Fourth
c.       Fifth
d.       Seventh
20.   What year was the Constitution written?
a.       1776
b.       1782
c.       1787
21.   In what city was the constitution written?
a.       New York
b.       Washington D.C.
c.       Philadelphia

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