Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Government Test 2/19

US Government Unit 1 Test

1.       What is the supreme Law of the Land?
A.      Constitution
B.      Articles of Confederation
C.      The Executive Branch
D.      The Legislative Branch
2.       Ancient Greece had a direct democracy.
A.      True
B.      False
3.       What type of Government does the U.S. have?
A.      Democratic Republic
B.      Dictatorship
C.      Monarchy
D.      Republic
4.       Which of the following is NOT a qualification for being a member of Senate?
A.      30 yrs. Old
B.      Natural Born Citizen
C.      Resident of the State
5.       Who follows right behind the Vice President in succession for the office of president?
A.      Secretary of defense
B.      Colonel Sanders
C.      Speaker of the House
6.       The name of John Locke’s idea of a clean slate.
A.      Tabula Rosa
B.      Pursuit of Happiness
C.      Magna Carta
7.       At the end of the Declaration of Independence it states that the United States can do all of the following except.
A.      Levy War
B.      Contract Alliances
C.      Establish Commerce
D.      Arrest a British Soldier
8.       What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
A.      It didn’t have muscle
B.      It involved a king
C.      Couldn’t Collect taxes
9.       How long is one Presidential term?
A.      2 years
B.      4 years
C.      6 years
10.   What is the 19th amendment about?
A.      Age of voting
B.      Selling alcohol
C.      Women’s right to vote
D.      Abolishing Slavery
11.   Which two amendments have to do with prohibition and the repeal of prohibition?
A.      19 and 22
B.      18 and 21
C.      18 and 25
D.      13 and 14
12.   What is the highest court in the U.S.?
A.      Federal Court
B.      Civil Court
C.      The People’s Court
D.      Supreme Court
13.   “The Great Charter”, limited the power of the Monarch. It guaranteed that no one would be above the law, not even the king or queen. This best describes…?
A.      Mayflower Compact
B.      Articles of Confederation
C.      Magna Carta
14.   The 13th amendment abolished slavery.
A.      True
B.      False
15.   What power is DENIED to congress?
A.      Form a Militia
B.      Declare war
C.      Run the Post Office
D.      Give titles of Nobility
16.   How many senators does a state have?
A.      4
B.      Depends on the population
C.      2
17.   The Federalist originally opposed the Constitution.
A.      True
B.      False
18.   Which of the following is not a part of the “State”?
a.       Population
b.       Territory
c.       Sovereignty
d.       Government
e.       Cities
19.   What is the 8th amendment about?
a.       Cruel and Unusual Punishment
b.       Search and Seizure
c.       Freedom of Religion
20.   Which amendment prevents you from having to quarter soldiers?
a.       1st
b.       2nd
c.       3rd
d.       4th

21.   How many states had to accept the constitution before it was ratified?
A.      13
B.      9
C.      10
D.      1
22.   The 26th Amendment does what?
A.      Shorten Presidential Terms
B.      Allows 18 year old citizens the right to vote
C.      Repeals Prohibition
23.   Federalism is a division of powers, between branches in the government.
A.      True
B.      False
24.   The Articles of Confederation had an Executive Branch?
A.      True
B.      False
25.   Search and Seizure is a part of what Amendment?
A.      1st
B.      4th
C.      14th
26.   The first Article of the Constitution is about what branch?
A.      Legislative Branch
B.      Executive Branch
C.      Judicial Branch
27.   The Declaration of Independence was written during the Second Continental Congress?
A.      True
B.      False
28.   This form of Government is usually controlled by a king and leadership is past down through the family?
A.      Oligarchy
B.      Monarchy
C.      Communism
29.   This form of Government is “Rule by a Few”?
A.      Monarchy
B.      Oligarchy
C.      Republic
30.   Why was the Constitution created?
A.      To declare independence from Britain
B.      To elect a president
C.      To form a more perfect union
31.   Which of the following is not a principle found in the Constitution?
A.      Judicial Review
B.      Federalism
C.      Checks and Balances
D.      Control of Government by a President
32.   Federalism is describe as…?
A.      Separation of powers between the National and State Governments
B.      The Judicial Branch has control of the Constitution
C.      The Legislative Branch checks the Executive Branch
33.   The Articles of Confederation did not have an Executive Branch
A.      True
B.      False
34.   The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments deal with civil rights for former slaves?
a.       True
b.       False
35.   In the articles of Confederation states had a certain number of votes based off of population?
A.      True
B.      False
36. This plan called for a two house Legislature based off of population?
a. Virginia Plan
b. New Jersey Plan
c. Connecticut Plan
37. This part of the Constitutional Convention dealt with the slave population?
a. New Jersey Plan
b. 3/5 Compromise
c. The Slave Compromise
38. These powers are directly stated in the Constitution and are powers held by the National Government?
a. Concurrent
b. Expressed
c. Reserved
39. Which of the following is a Concurrent power?
a. Holding Elections
b. Coining Money
c. Constructing and maintain roads
40. Which of the following is a Reserved power?
a. Borrowing money
b. Declaring war
c. Establish schools
41. Which of the following is an Expressed power?
a. Regulate Immigration
b. Establish Courts
c. Provide Public Safety

Friday, February 14, 2020

Government Review 2/14

You will be tested on anything we have discussed in class. This is just a guide to help you study. Know more than the definition. Understand WHY the terms are important.
Pick 20 of the following terms, define the term and express its importance.
Direct Democracy
Representative Democracy
What type of Government does the U.S. have?
Purpose of Constitution
Articles of the Constitution
Qualifications and term for Senate
Qualifications and term for House of Representatives
Qualifications and term for President
How many Representatives and members of senate come from each state?
Powers of congress (know a couple)
Powers denied to congress (know a couple)
Succession of President (know the next two)
Ratification of Constitution
Know how the Bill of Rights came about and all ten amendments
Bill of Rights
Amendments 13, 14,15,18,19,21,22,26
Magna Carta
Social Contract
John Locke
Tabula Rasa
Natural Rights
Continental Congress (1st,2nd)
Declaration of Independence (Why is it written, natural rights etc.)
Checks and Balances
Articles of Confederation/ Weaknesses
Characteristics of a State
Origins of the State
Constitutional Convention
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
Great Compromise
3/5 compromise
How many states had to agree on the Constitution? 
Federalism (Concurrent, Reserved, Expressed)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

US Studies Quiz 2/13

1920’s and Great Depression Test

1.      To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went to underground to hidden nightclubs know as
a.       Speakeasies
b.      Penthouses
c.       Tea rooms
2.      The Harlem renaissance refers to
a.       A population increase in Harlem during the 1920’s
b.      A celebration of African-American culture in literature and art
c.       A struggle to get civil rights
3.      Scott Fitzgerald described the 1920’s as the
a.       Harlem Renaissance
b.       Jazz age
c.       Prohibition Age
d.      Roaring Twenties
4.      Jazz Music spread through the United States do to musicians such as
a.       Louis Armstrong
b.      Bob Ross
c.       Langston Hughes
5.      Which was NOT a cause of the Dust Bowl?
a.       Drought
b.      Overproduction of crops
c.       High winds
d.      Prairie Dog infestation
6.      Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Great Depression?
a.       Buying stock on margin
b.      Banks “cooking the books”
c.       The popularity of Radio
7.      Who ran for president during the 1932 election?
a.       FDR and Wilson
b.      FDR and Hoover
c.       Hoover and Kennedy
d.      Hoover and Wilson
8.      Who won the election of 1932?
a.       FDR
b.      Hoover
c.       Wilson

9.      What does buying a stock on Margin mean?
a.       Buying a stock from a stock broker
b.      Buying a stock for someone else
c.       Paying less than the market price for a stock

10.  Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Great Depression?
a.       Individuals had poor diets
b.      Families became homeless
c.       Men became unemployed
d.      Farming in the U.S. prospered
11.  Direct relief was when the government gave money or food to the poor.
a.       True
b.      False
12.   What was the first major action Roosevelt did as president?
a.       Closed all the banks for inspection
b.      Created the WPA
c.       Reorganized the Supreme court
13.  Which of the following was NOT a goal of the New Deal?
a.       Relieve for needy
b.      Economic recovery
c.       A new stock market
d.      Financial reform
14.  Which of the following was directly responsible for creating jobs?
a.       Social Security Act
b.      Works Progress Administration
c.       Fair Labor Relations Act
15.  Which New Deal program was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?
a.       Wagner Act
b.      Social Security Act
c.       National Industrial Recovery Act
16.  This organization created jobs building dams in the south?
a.       Tennessee Valley Authority
b.      Dams for America
c.       Mississippi Dam Co.
17.   This New Deal organization gave jobs to young men by building roads and parks.
a.       Civilian Conservation Corps
b.      Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
c.       Federal housing Administration
18.  The 19th amendment did what?
a.       Give women the right to vote
b.      Outlawed alcohol
c.       Allowed Alcohol again in the U.S.
19.   Roosevelt easily won the 1932 presidential election by promising a.
a. New Deal for Americans.
b. lower taxes.
c. White House conference on business
20.  During the Depression, wage cuts and unemployment eventually affected...
a.       mainly women.
b.      mainly farmers.
c.       factory workers only.
d.      all levels of society.
21.  Which group faced hard times during much of the 1920's because of over production after WWI?
a. urban bankers
b. small investors
c. farmers
b. owners of large corporations
22.  Throughout most of the 1920’s the economy was good?
a. True
b. False
23.  Bootleggers sold and transported legal alcohol to stores and businesses?
a. True
b. False
24.  Which of the following was not a part of 1920’s culture?
a. flappers
b. silent movies
c. unemployment
d. organized crime
25. This was the day when the Stock Market finally crashed?
a. Black Thursday
b. Red Monday
c. Black Tuesday