Friday, March 6, 2020

Government Test 3/6

  1. Which of the following is NOT a qualification for being a member of Senate?
A.      30 yrs. Old
B.      Natural Born Citizen
C.      Resident of the State
  1. Which Branch of government makes the laws?
A.      Legislative
B.      Executive
C.      Judicial
3.       How many senators does a state have?
a.       4
b.       Depends on the population
c.       2
4.       How old must you be to be a member of the House?
a.       25 yrs.
b.       30 yrs.
c.       35 yrs.

5. What does Bicameral mean?
a.       Two camels
b.       Two houses
c.       Two Senators
6. When congress convenes they…
a.       Go home
b.       Come together for a meeting
c.       Vote on a law
7. Who is considered to be closest to the people?
a.       The President
b.       The House of Rep.
c.       The Senate
8. This term is given to the process of how a state’s districts are drawn?
a.       Re-drawing
b.       Gerrymandering
c.       Bingo
9. What is the main job of congressmen?
a.       Create laws
b.       Represent people
c.       Kiss Babies
10. Which of the following is a fringe benefit given to congress?
a.       Free food at the White House
b.       Free Postage
c.       Free Lawyers
11. Expressed powers given to congress are stated in the Constitution?
a.       True
b.       False
12. Implied powers given to congress are stated in the Constitution?
a.       True
b.       False
13. Which School House Rock video did we watch about a bill becoming a law?
a.       I’m just a Bob
b.       I’m just a Law
c.       I’m just a Bill
14. Who is the President of the Senate?
a.       The Vice President
b.       The Speaker of the House
c.       The oldest Senator
15. Who is the Speaker of the House?
a. Bernie Sanders
b. Nancy Pelosi 
c. Paul Ryan
16. Who represents the 3rd district of Utah?
a. Mike Lee
b. Orrin Hatch
c. John Curtis
17. How many representatives does Utah have in the house?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 22
d. 6
18. Which of the following is not a strategy for re-distracting?
a. cracking
b. smacking
c. packing
19. Who is the newest senator of Utah? He was elected in 2018.
a. Mitt Romney
b. Orrin Hatch 
c. John Curtis
20. What party holds a majority in the Senate?
a. Democrats
b. Republicans
21. How many members are in the House of Representatives?
a. 100
b. 435
c. 535
22. Which of the following is not a leadership position in congress?
a. President Pro Tempore
b. Whip
c. Secretary of House Floor
23. We are currently in what congress?
c. 2020
24.If Senator Jones was elected November 2018, when will he be up for reelection?
a. 2020
b. 2022
c. 2024
25. Who are the three members of congress who represent us here in Springville?
a. Nancy Pelosi
b. Mitt Romney
c. Orrin Hatch
d. Mike Lee
e. John Curtis

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