Tuesday, February 11, 2020

US Studies Review

You are responsible to know all of the following for the test. Pick 25 of the terms below and define them. These will help you study for your test on Thursday (5/13).
Prohibition (18th and 21st amendments)
The New Woman/Flappers
19th Amendment
Organized Crime
Harlem Renaissance
Roaring 20’s (Fitzgerald)
Jazz Music
Great Depression (Causes, what was the economic situation like)
Black Thursday
Black Tuesday
Stock Market Crash
Dust Bowl
Direct Relief
Banks during the Depression
Who ran for President during the 1932 election?
Buying Stock on Margin
Herbert Hoover
Government Relief
FDR closes the banks
Goals of the New Deal
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
NRA National Recovery Act
Civil Works Administration
WPA Works Progress Administration
Social Security Act
Fair Labor Standards
National Youth Admin
Public Works Administration
Federal Housing Administration
Wagner Act
National Industrial Recovery Act
Eleanor Roosevelt
National Debt/ Unemployment
Entertainment During the Depression

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